
The sun is but an eye of a bigger eye.

Confusion is the eye of another eye.

Illusion is the light behind the eyes reflecting dimly or brightly the onion veil.

Bodies without souls, souls without bodies.

No answer will see, no seeing will answer.

All is ma ya, blinding light as night desires to extinguish sun. Two principles eternally dance from form to formless to form some more.


Desiring no thing while seeing the futility of the dream chaser.

Metaphysics is intangible to minds while remaining tenable to time.

Bittersweet is the journey the pain becomes nectar an altar from the sun.

The journey of the sun moves through darkness shining its light on every being.

Lost and confusion adhere to an abrasive reality carving its light unto the carnal plane.

Rare are the eyes that see like the sun without filter the axiom abode.

Deathless Womb

To seek without eyes is like being immersed in a sea of night without a compass.

Like a primordial night that split to day, to relieve the dark of ache. The ache of being vast and boundless, as a body of empty space.

Concentrated dark in search of mutability intensified itself to implode a new extremity, a light as malleable as the sun. A trinity of space, night, and sun.

Thus light remembers the desire of night to form. As light remembers shape, the night remembers… no form. The ripple expand, the branching outwards, a birthing, a cellular quad that housed the shape of light, the unknown seed that houses life.

The seed that flowers also flowers back into the seed of seas. The one beyond all movement, to say its one is wrong as well. Imagine if space as pace journeys out? Sow that in some way within infinity, it contemplates the idea of wanting to see its faceless face, beyond every phase of faces.

Tan Terra

Tantric rhythms colliding vortices

The flesh ignites sought alchemy

Each pulse is felt deeply

Each pull is empty with fullness

Each push is full with emptiness

Each cell connected in three move circularly in unison subtly as foam

Reaching out to poem each breathing beat

The two become one

Then evaporate


Words are futile to ears… they quench not the thirst beyond sound.

Movements are futile to being they fill not the hunger beyond time.

Immortless experiment from the beyond, hunger is not found only in stomachs hunger comes in many forms.

Mind hunger is found in desires through heart thirst seen as a myriad of formations.

Enlightenment is not attainment it is absolute loss, can one accept losing all that is known as spacial or conditional in nature.

Most dwell in the ephemeral seeing goodness in the maleficent and maleficent in goodness.

Reverse every known and as above so below will become inversely proportional to what is reflected in the mind field.

The field is negating due to the reversal property of the electron thus words are futile and action conforms to the proton that wraps itself with the neutron and its nucleus.

The outer pains, it can never quench the inner thirst.Thus abide in the abode beyond the outer coat of body.

Beliefs are conditional bioprograms that simulate exertions of movements preordained by local impressions.

The wise leave the world while living in it.

Resting in the abode within the abyss as no form while existing as form.

Attached to the world one is bound to suffering.

Detached from the world life becomes like the reflection of the moon on water. It exists but it remains untouched.

Within is without and without is within and still life is still yet explored to the depths mystics elope, the kingdom is within within and is yet traveled by feet.

Unknown frontier that need not be reached with feet. Formless existence is unknowable through crystalline spheres but through solar source sight without material eyes.

Filled Emptiness

Have you danced with pain?

Allowed it’s lessons to be felt
Emptied each force to resist it’s voice.Tuned to it’s change
Watching body and consciousness separate. The abyss does stare back swallowing whole the I.
Fear brings one back to this fixed dream that is the void of life. The magnet is sound and light is its course. Alone these eyes sit knowing, knowing beyond known.
Shared silence of no form the peak of suffering is heaven disguised as hell.
A myopic external conformity living itself out under the guise of preordained.
An inner trope, saying one is boundless and infinite as space an immortal element.
The one who knows has come to the realization that space is self reflecting, contemplating it’s emptiness.